Rant #24 – The Weather Channel
I’ve narrowed down what the weather channel is doing to three theories:
1. They pick the weather based on what mood they are in,
2. they have a dart board with weather patterns and whoever is throwing the darts sucks at darts, or
3. they are just trolling everyone.
This is the only possible scenarios for a major company whose sole job it is to predict the weather to be wrong 90% of the time. I mean being wrong that often defies the law of probability. They’d be better off just saying 50% chance of nice weather, 50% chance of shitty weather and posting that every day.
I see weekly weather predictions like this:
So I’ll bring my umbrella all week. No god damn rain. I go out on Saturday without my umbrella and come home soaking wet.
Just last week it said 0% chance of rain. That’s a pretty confident prediction, I guess they felt pretty confident about that one. The problem is that it was pouring out at that moment. I can kinda see getting the next days weather wrong but how the hell do you get the current weather wrong? Does no one in their company sit near a window? Do they all work in a solid iron building with no connection to the outside world?
Is there any other multimillion dollar company that sucks so hard at their job?